
A few simple questions after (or before the next) lesson

Colleague and friend Pedro De Bruyckere wrote a really elegant blog today on his Dutch-language site X, Y or Einstein? I thought it was so elegant (concise, to the point) that I decided to translate it for those who don’t speak Dutch. It’s about a few simple questions that teachers can ask themselves. I wonder how many of us do this.

  1. What prior knowledge do my students need?
  2. How do I know if they have them?
  3. How do you deal with gaps in prior knowledge?
  4. How often do your students need to think for themselves today?
  5. Are you going to repeat things today from
    – a previous lesson
    – last week
    – last month
    – last semester?
  6. How many students attended the past lesson or session?
    – all
    – three quarters
    – about half of it
    – a quarter
    – less than half
  7. How did you know your students understood the lesson?

Here’s the original Dutch-language source: Enkele eenvoudige vragen na (of voor een volgende) les
